Last week I got 4 layouts done!!! Woo hoo!!! And spent way too much on more goodies!! Tim assures me it is fine!! I told him its cheaper than therapy!!! LOL!!! My printer had a bit of a spak attack too but alls good now, thank god, I would be lost without it!

Hope you like my layouts and I can't wait to recieve all of my new goodies!! I also bought a heap of new material today, so bright and so me!!!! Yum, yum hey!!!???

Well, poor little Meage (my SIL) has been in hospital overnight with high blood pressure. They were going to keep her in and induce her Thursday but now they have sent her home and she will be back for an appt. on Friday and induction should be happening Sunday night. She is taking tablets to try and get her blood pressure down but it is still quite high. Bubs is fine though and she will be arriving a little earlier than expected (she wasn't due until next Friday)! I can't wait to meet her! I am going to be an AUNTY!!!!! YAY!!!!
We have now got the front area cleaned up and the retainer wall filled. Thank god for that, it was such an eyesore for so long. Anyway it is done now and we have just got to try and get the grass to grow back and to also plant some plants. Cooper had an absolute ball in all the dirt and pushing his trucks around in it. He's a typical boy! Here are a couple of pics of the boys from the past week. Now I assure in the first one Cooper really isn't hurting his brother but they are just having a little playful wrestle. Poor little Kobi doesn't know any different and he is starting to get in on the act too and climbing over his big brother!! I just had to get a photo of these 2 little monsters!!! I can't wait until Christmas time when Kobi will be walking then they will really act up!! Kobi crawls after Cooper all the time now and Cooper says to Kobi "Come get me Kobi"!! So cute seeing them play together! 

I better be off now, this post has taken me awhile to post, I have just got Cooper off to bed, he wasn't happy that he missed out on Generation!! He loves that show but he isn't sleeping during the day now most days so by 7:30 pm he is just so overtired and ready for bed! Have a lovely week everyone, if I don't post before, the next one will involve a precious little bubby!! Hugs to Kate too, I can't wait to hear her news!! Thanks so much for leaving me lovely comments! xx
Yay not long now til you are an Aunty Stace!!So exciting :D
Wowee chickie those LO's are stunning!!
Lovin the piccies of the boys too :D
Krissy xx
P.S did you end up getting your haircut??
Gosh i know ive said it before but god i love how you use colour on your layouts!! They are freaking devine!!!! Awesome work gal!
Gorgeous pics of your kidlets!!
Wooohooo on becoming an aunty! ITs sooo exciting hey! I love new babies! :)
how cute is that piccie of your boys wrestling, love it!!
Love that lollipop LO!!
Cant wait to hear about you becoming an Aunty!!
Ooh, I've been checking almost hourly for your new post this week (just to be the first to comment!) and everyone has beaten me! lol
Ohh, Kobi is getting so big. Love that he wrestles with Cooper - although there is a slight weight difference! haha I too can't wait until Christmas to see the boys again - hopefully they won't be TOO big for lots of cuddles (Not that Cooper gives me hugs - he prefers kisses :P) Your photos are absolutely stunning, I'm seriously going to have to get a lesson in how you edit them all when I'm home.
Hope Meags is OK - and kinda exciting that you get to be an Aunty that little bit sooner. Let me know what she's decided on calling the little princess! I'm excited to know now!
Hugs and kisses to you all
mwah x
OGorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous Lo's !! Makes me happy just looking at them lol !! yayaya Aunty soon hey hope everything goes well ! xo Tina
Totally beautiful layouts as always! And yay about becoming an Aunty! I have just become an aunty for the first time and it's all very exciting :D
thanks for the loves stace!! i love what you have made and the fabric you bought. what are you planning to make with it? xox
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