Only a couple of steps with his hands and knees but it won't be long until he is cruising around. He goes from laying on his belly to a sitting position easily now. It all looks so funny because he is little. So totally cute though but he is getting frustrated and trying so hard. I weighed him last week as he turned 8 months and he is now 7.3kg. He seems to be putting on 200g a month. He is a small eater and I barely get 2 solids into him a day and he is having 4 bottles with 180ml in them. My mother always said good things come in small packages and she also said that I was fine even though I lived on vegemite sandwiches for my first 5 years!! LOL! So I can't really blame him for being a small and fussy eater. He is having lots of little chats now and making some really funny noises. Oh, yeah and he is also waving, it's adorable. He has the sweetest little cheeks that I could just kiss all day, luckily I love his cuddles because he is extremely clingy at the moment.

We are off to Paityn's first birthday party this weekend, she is such a little princess it should be loads of fun. Thanks to Krissy too for sending me all the little princess bits and pieces to make her a card, I am making it now. Mwah! Krissy you are too lovely :) Tonight Tim and I are going out to dinner with a customer of his and his wife. I can't wait, can you tell we don't get out much!!! LOL! A little layout of me and Kob's. This post is all about him today!!

I better get moving, this has taken me forever to post, we have been down the back playing in the sandpit now Cooper is snuggled up in bed. I have to get this card finished and wrap her present.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!!