Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pink Paislee Shares!

Hello, hope you are all having a fine Wednesday evening:)  Thought I would drop by with some Pink Paislee shares.  My first layout was based on this sketch from Got Sketch?  I actually struggled a little with this sketch being so square but I got there in the end!!  I really love the fact that you CAN see the sketch here in my

My next assignment was to create a layout using 3 or more photos.  I opted for these super cute pics of Mason with a very neutral background.  The colours out of the Spring Jubilee range went perfect with his outfit!
"Hip Hip Hooray"

Back soon!!
Hugs xo


  1. wow.. these are amazing.. so much detail.. such gorgeous colors together.. always get blown away by your layouts!

  2. Gorgeous as always Stacey. Cheers Di xo

  3. Your work is always beautiful Stacey

  4. beautiful work Stace!! It is so cool seeing you do sketches because I know you are such a go with the flow girl with your scrapping, so to stick to a sketch much really make you think outside the square so to speak!! Love your pages as per usual :) hope you are doing well and the boys are feeling better :) mwah! xo

  5. It is always so inspiring to visit your blog! Love your style with the layering, mixed media and all the LOVELY stash you use! Thanks <3

  6. I'm always surprised and happy to see your layouts!!! All these gorgeous details, and they are so colourful! I love your scrap! Bravo!

  7. I just cant seem to make flowers look as nice when I use them on my boy pages! sucks bc I only have sons but LOVE using flowers!

  8. Your work is amazing Stacey, you are so talented!
    Beautiful!! x


Thankyou for taking the time to leave your sweet comments :)