Sunday, May 1, 2011

Scrap the Boys and The Color Room.....

Here is my latest layout for Scrap The Boys May Challenge.  It is to scrap a collection that your boy or hubby has.  I did this one on the collection of Transformers the boys's getting bigger each birthday or Christmas.....and they are already so excited about the next movie coming out in July (well the big boy is anyway!!!!) 

"Boys Toys"

I have used some Crate Paper Toy Box here:)

The Color Room Palette #56....Her room.....Little Miss Gracie loves to play and run (or watch)with the boys, she gets the biggest grin on her face when she sees them, it's just adorable!


Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, we have a public holiday here in Qld tomorrow so not much planned but hopefully more relaxing....I haven't been sleeping the greatest atm:(

Hugs xo


  1. first up.. hope you feel better soon..

    and then.. hooley mackdooly.. i love that boys one.. so cool and grungy with out being sk8tr boy grunge.. woohoo..
    and then you do girl so incredibly well.. oh SIGH.

  2. I ALWAYS enjoy your unique, fun, and absolutely stunning to see what those hands create. Your family is so blessed to have such a great mother!!! It is so evident on each layout you do how much you love them!!!!

  3. wowee stace! yummo hon!! just knew you would nail that CR palette. just got lost in all your details.... LOVE it! not long now hey!!!... hope all goes well and you feel good soon... x

  4. oh wowo!!from a butchy blokey layout with boys toys to a delightfully cute and sweet layout of a gorgeous little cherub.. you are so versatile and always so creative!!

  5. Your layouts totally blow me away - talk about outside the square and SO amazing and beautiful, guaranteed, everytime! Thanks for sharing, you really inspire me to keep scrapping.


Thankyou for taking the time to leave your sweet comments :)