Sunday, March 27, 2011

29 wks.....tired and ultra busy!!!

Okay so who's idea was it to organise the Kindy float for Easter Parade this year.....oh yeah, that would of been me!!!!  I have not long come home from a working bee for it at the Kindy.   Massive job but I am sure it will all be worth it in 3 weeks time!  I will post pics when we complete it but in the mean time it's painting cutouts, making hat's (the theme is Mad very fun and right up my alley), painting signs, organising paperwork, organising everyone for jobs......etc, etc!!  So on the 17th of April if you live in the Gladstone area come to the parade and wave to me you won't miss our massive big truck.....although I can't garentee I won't be curled up on a kindy seat!!!!  No, it's going to so much fun for the kids!  Anyways, that's my excuse for being a little bit slack around here atm. 

I just wanted to thank all of you that participated in the blog hop last week and for all of your beautiful, heart warming comments.....they truly make my day.  And an extra special thanks and welcome to some new followers, so lovely to have you here:)

Okay onto this weeks Color Room Palette #51.  So bright and fun, I immediately thought of Sass!!

"You Make My Heart Sing"

Just a couple of closies, how cute is Ellie's Tale's little elephant:)

I have been really busy with a bit of scrapbooking too, but nothing too much that I can share.  I made another canvas for my SIL birthday this week of little Miss Gracie.  I used the Madeline range from Prima and of course lots of gorgeous flowers, misting and butterflies:)

Just an update on my bump.....I'm 29 wks, but only 10 weeks to go until we meet "Baby Goona".  We can't wait, our only delema is a name.....I have the perfect name and Tim isn't agreeing....arrgggh, I hope I can get my's my turn to pick he picked!!!!!  Mum has just come over now with some curtains she made for the nursery so I best get off here and help her put them up:)

Mwah, catch ya xo


  1. stunning!!!!!!Your work always amaze me!!
    Have a nice sunday!

  2. Gorgeous layout, and an absolutely stunning canvas, your work is beautiful!

  3. OMG stunning work Stacey both of these take my breath away.. so delicious!! :)

  4. *sigh* wish you would make me a canvas!!!!

  5. Stacey your work is amazing. Gorgeous layout and i'm so in love with that canvas!
    Good luck with the name dilemma.

  6. So awesome! I love your layouts!!! =)

  7. Love the canvas and your work astounds me everytime!!!
    No rush with the name, we took a week and a half to name our first and only a week for the second!!! You get 60 days!!!!! LOL!!! You pick the first name and DH can choose the middle name !

  8. Gorgeous layout!!! Your style is amazing - I love it!!


  9. just gorgeous page Stace :)) and your boys are so cute.
    That float sounds like heaps fun, the things we do for the kiddo's uh!
    Hope the next 10 weeks flys :)) x

  10. oh such color and gorgeousness in this layout and canvas... really beautiful Stacey.. all the best with the float and with the countdown to the special day of meeting baby goona!! take care of your self!!

  11. oh wow.. and definate {{SIGH}}... man i hope gonna is a girl.. that way we get to see even more wonderfulness.....
    oh and i cant wait to see your float..what an amazing wowman you are.. super...

    thanks for the inspiration....

  12. Just a gorgeus LO and a gorgeus card!!
    Both of these take my breath away!!!!
    I love evrything I so in here!!
    You are such a fenomenal artist!!
    I will like to make a invitation , so I will send email.
    hugs from Brazil

  13. such a cheerful and rich composition!

  14. WOW just STUNNING!! Love the colour combo and how you have used it! Hope the next 10 weeks go relatively fast and smooth for you..look after yourself...

    ps...thanks for the blog love..those clocks are made by Delish Designs. xx


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