Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My baby is 9 months!

My little Kobi turned 9 months the day Gracie was born (hehe funny hey)! Time has just flown and it won't be long until he is one, I should really start to organise his party soon seeing as we will be away in Perth for 11 days from early November and I need it to be all organised before we go away. Just a few notes about Kobi being 9 months ;
* you are 7.4 kg and 70 cm long
* you are having 4 bottles and 2 solids a day
* you are very fussy
* you love icecream
* you have Eczema and I have just changed you to goats formula
* you have 2 freckles, 1 on you cheek and the other on the back of your leg
* you pull yourself up on everything now and move so quickly
* your brother loves playing chasy up and down the hallway with you
* you can still fit in some of your 000 clothes but also in some 00
* you are a stickybeak and love to check everything out
* you love having a shower with your Daddy and brother but hate the bath
* your eyes are still going brown
* you think your brother is so funny when he is being naughty and cheeky
* you are loved and adored so much by your family
Here are the boys from the weekend mucking about with their Daddy! Cooper had Tim's work boots on aswell and I said to him "Oh look, it's Puss in Boot's (from Shrek)" and he turns around to me and says "I'm not Boots, I'm Captain (Captain Feathersword)"!!! So funny and cute!

And here's a pics of the gorgeous Miss Gracie! I can't wait to do some pink layouts for a change!

And lastly 2 layouts I did last week, 1st one of Coops at the beach the other of my two boys being so similar yet so different!

Thanks heaps for those who stop by and also those who leave me lovely comments!! I am off now, I have to get 2 giggling little boys out of this scraproom before it becomes even more of a mess!! xx


  1. Great photos and layouts! Congrats on your little boy being 9 months!

  2. Oh, how adorable is Gracie!! She's so sweet, I hope I get to meet her when I'm home.
    Love the photos of the boys - did you make Tim pose for all those photos?! lol You take an amazing photo, I seriously think you should go into professional photography babes!!
    Just wanted to stop by and send you some love, hope you have a great day.
    Love and kisses to the boys xoxo

  3. 9 months already!Far out time flies :D Awwww how mega cute is Gracie!!Love the piccies of the boys too and those LO's are wowee stunning chickie :D

    Krissy xx

  4. WOW WOW WOW - those pages are Amazing!!!! i found your blog thru Felicity's and I am in love with all your layering and texture and creative work that you put into your layouts!!!!
    and those photos are soooo cute - esp the boots!!!!

  5. wow wow wow, they are amazing Stace!! Love the gorgeous pics of your boys too :)

  6. omg gracie is so much smaller than my annika!! hehe. she is adorable. the boys are getting so big stace, where does the time go?? *sob*

  7. WOW Stacey, your LOs are absolutely awesome!!!! Love them :)

  8. love love love the idea for that layout stace!!! xo


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