Sunday, August 23, 2009

Waiting, waiting................

Haven't heard any news yet, but I am sure Meage is just trying to rest at the moment. She went in at 7pm tonight and they were going to start with the gel.......... so hopefully tomorrow sometime bubs will be here! Anyways, got some new layouts and a pic of my hair, YES, I got it all chopped off but forgot to post a pic last post! OOps! Mind the crappy pic but this is just the normal for me, no makeup and brushed hair, no time for blowdrying and straightening!!! LOL!!!!!

I have decided to start taking some photos of my layouts close up to actually get the look of all the layering I do! I just love these 2 of Kobi, my little sunshine! I love him and his gorgeous little ways to bits!!

I am off now to start another page, Tim is at the pub, his local footy team won footy today! I went with him and had 3 alcoholic drinks and that was enough for me I felt tipsy on just that (Mel, you can stop laughing now!!!) It's just been a while and don't drink like I used to and even then that wasn't much! Oh, well I think Tim does enough for us both!! LOL!! Hopefully be back in the next couple of days, YAY bubba is so close now! I just can't wait to see if she has red hair!! I don't think it will be but everyone else thinks so!



  1. How exciting!!Cant wait to see piccies of Auntie Stace and the new bubby :D I love red hair it runs in my family :)

    Lovin the new hairdo chickie!Very nice!

    The close ups of your work are fandabbydosey!Stunning work as always :D

    LOL @ being tipsy!

    Krissy xx

  2. dont you look gorgeous!! Love the piccie!!
    Great LO's and thanks for putting close ups, great to see detail!!

    Hope you have a neice/nephew!!

  3. How funny, I really was laughing when I read that! Don't worry, you used to get drunk on that many drinks anyway (Wasn't it VB throwdowns - those were the days!!), so nothing has changed! You just need to build up a tolerance, so get practicing for NYE!! lol

    I love your haircut, and don't worry - you still look gorgeous without the straightening and make-up! I can't wait to get mine cut next month, just looking for some more inspiration at the moment! My hairdresser actually said I should consider going red, told him I've 'been there, done that' and it was terrible! Could you imagine, I'd look like my brothers! Shock, horror! lol

    Keep me posted as soon as Meag has the little princess, I can't wait to see piccies too (hint, hint!). Oh, I spoke to Elliott on Skype last night, he did a dance for TK and I - a beautiful rendition of 'This Old Man'. You have to download Skype so I can see your boys too! Do it now! :P

    Love to you all xoxo

    PS - Go the Wals!! I bet Tim celebrated big time!!

  4. your hair Stace, gorgeous LO's, love the piccies of all the layering, very noice!!!!

  5. Hi Stacey
    I followed your link over from the boxx. What a fantastic blog you have here.
    Love the close ups on the detail in your pages. Ive often thought "i wonder how she does that" LOL.
    The new LOs are gorgeous as always and I like the new 'do' too.
    Hope you dont have to wait too much longer to meet your precious new neice. How exciting.
    You must be busy now that Kobi is crawling. I Know that I am, now that Jedds on the move.

    Michelle :)

  6. Hey Stacey.... Great new do!!!!

    I am glad you are taking detailed shots of your LO's now lots of scrappers will be able to see just how you create... I for one think your amazing... not everyone can use color and layer well but you do it and it rocks!!!! oh and you flower are looking fantastic to... how much fun are they!!!! awesome stuff Stacey... take care
    Leeann xx


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